welcome national register
We have developed a register of establishments for the LISA Foundation with which large amounts of data regarding employment are processed and made available to municipalities and provinces.
Developing a national register of establishments, in which various source data (automated) can be read in.
Management and overview of national employment figures from one register.
National employment data clearly and easily used for research purposes.

LISA had a register of establishments that was managed separately by various register holders. Loose databases and differences in registration made research and reporting difficult at national level.
SST is faced with the challenge of developing a national register of establishments in which all
registers are combined. Sources such as survey data, Chamber of Commerce, BAG and IBIS must be easily
importable and future addition of new sources must be possible.
The starting point is the functionality of the current branch register, whereby the
(additional/adjusted) wishes have been refined together.

The web application we have developed processes all imported data in the database according to the calculation rules drawn up. The user interface provides insight into the data and allows manual adjustments to be made for specific locations. Thanks to the right setup, LISA can work quickly and smoothly despite the large amount of data.
In order to develop a branch register that meets the specific wishes, we have gone through an agile development process together with LISA. The specifications and design were developed together, after which the system was built in several steps. Interim test feedback and desired refinements were quickly processed into a new version of the product.
Thanks to optimizations, the system works with minimal loading times, despite a database of more than 1,500,000 establishments.
Calculation rules
In order to process new data automatically, i.o.a. LISA has drawn up and implemented many calculation rules.
Various sources
The establishment register uses various sources to keep the data up to date. The import of this has been automated as much as possible, as API links are not (yet) always available.
During the migration of the location data from the old register to the national register, the data was standardized as much as possible.
Java has been used as a programming language, which is stable and widely supported.

By placing the more than 1,500,000 branches in the same management system, it is easier to maintain and use the data for research purposes. With the development of the calculation rules, most of the processing is automated and the data is easily kept up to date.
servicesteam LISA

welcome solution