To make 30,000 signs easily accessible to the general public via the Dutch Sign Language Centre.
Efficient management of a large volume of data in a single application landscape
using modern techniques.
Awareness, accessibility and understanding of Dutch Sign Language by the general public.
The Dutch Sign Language Centre faced huge challenges. The central database of all signs
and the related applications were very outdated and badly in need of replacement.
They lacked the ability to keep up with the changing needs of the Centre and
growing demand from users for easy online access to all signs.
We first produced a visual representation of the desired situation in order to understand
how to get everything up to date again.
We then devised a road map so the full redevelopment could be done in stages.
We then developed a completely updated data structure.
We used that data structure as a basis to develop a future-proof application landscape.
It consists, among other things, of a new website, webshop, management environment for the Centre
and underlying applications (including internal APIs, layers and links to accounting packages).
Coupled with the new log-in methods we implemented,
Dutch Sign Language is now easily accessible to users in a user-friendly way
and easy for the Centre to manage.
A responsive Online Sign Dictionary with 1000 free signs,
and over 16,000 Dutch Sign Language signs with a subscription.
A bilingual (Dutch Sign Language/Dutch) website and webshop for all of the Centre's
(digital and physical) products.
A completely updated, comprehensive, restructured database with a management environment.
A fully updated Make Your Own Sign Language booklet.
Multiple APIs to unlock signs and connect applications.
single sign on
Single Sign-On and account management layer for easier use,
management and expansion of log-in methods.
Because the applications and thus Dutch Sign Language are now available to more consumers and
organisations, it facilitates better awareness.
It also gave the Centre a better understanding of how to edit signs, the structure of organisations,
and the decline in subscribers. This has put the organisation in a better position.
In addition to enormous strides in terms of user-friendliness for the general public,
the Centre now also has new commercial opportunities.
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