When I have custom software developed, am I then in a vendor lock-in?
7 December 2023This question comes up fairly regularly in conversations with potential clients. This often stems from previous negative experiences, or the foresight that a vendor lock-in can lead to limitations in the future. But what is a vendor lock-in? And how do you ensure that you don't end up in one?
read moreWelcome SST Labs
1 May 2023As per May 1st, we have launched our spin-off SST Labs! A technical innovation lab with a focus on supporting organizations in early stages of innovation. In SST Labs, we work with a multidisciplinary team on software, hardware, mechanics, and design.
read moreWelcome ISO27001 Certification
16 March 2023SST Software successfully obtained ISO 27001 certification, the international standard for information security, in March 2023. We have always had a strong focus on information security at SST. We have had a stringent security policy in place for some time and already had a separate security team that continually works on the security of our organisation as well as the software we supply to our clients. It was therefore a logical step for us to attain the ISO 27001 certificate. That way, we can demonstrate that SST has appropriate processes in place for information security.
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